Do you want to get training in the field of malting and brewing technology? What better place to immerse yourself in the different aspects of malting and brewing than in a country whose beer culture is listed as UNESCO Cultural Heritage?
The Leuven Institute for Beer Research offers several courses at different levels:
3-week course for professionals on Malting and Brewing Technology
This course is focussed on professionals in the field, including suppliers of raw materials, technical aids and machinery. A Msc or Bsc degree in relevant disciplines is desirable. This program entails an intensive 2-weeks training with mainly lectures and a brewing week on pilot scale (5 hl). A Msc or Bsc degree in relevant disciplines is desirable. The next course will start in February 2023. More information via this link.
1-year postgraduate in Malting and Brewing Science
Via a curriculum combining scientific-technical knowledge and skills with ample contacts with industry, students of this postgraduate will meet the current and future needs and expectations of the malting and brewing industry worldwide. The postgraduate is a training over 2 semesters consisting of 10 courses (45 ECTS in total). Students are expected to have obtained a MSc degree in a relevant discipline (for example biochemistry, bioscience engineering, engineering technology) by the start of the postgraduate. Come join us at KU Leuven, Europe’s most innovative university! The first postgraduate programme started in September 2020. A next programme is planned for September 2023. More info on the postgraduate programme via this link.
Massive Open Online Course - Beer: the science of brewing
The group of prof. Kevin Verstrepen (VIB-KU Leuven Center for Microbiology) has created an award-winning MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on the science behind beer. In a series of lectures and online course material, you will learn how the key ingredients, different biochemical reactions and process parameters influence the taste and aroma of beer. The course combines theory with small experiments to also get hands-on experience with some of the concepts discussed in this course.
This course also gives you a sneak peek inside some of Belgium's most iconic breweries. It features talks from different Belgian brewers and maltsters, as well as from some of the most renowned academics on key features of the malting and brewing process.
Can't wait to quench your thirst (for knowledge)? Register for BREWINGx: Beer: the science of brewing via the edX platform.

LIBR organizes the international symposium Trends in Brewing which takes place in Leuven, Belgium and provides the opportunity to exchange knowledge and ideas on malting and brewing. The next Trends in Brewing is scheduled for October 2021! Click here for more information!

Chair J. De Clerck
LIBR organizes the next Chair J. De Clerck XVII together with the 14th edition of Trends in Brewing. Check the presentations, videos and photos of the Belgian Brewing Conference 2015 here!